Friday 6 April 2012

Yoked  Jacket in Slipper Stitch

2 x 50 g balls baby yarn
3.50 mm crochet hook
4.50 mm crochet hook
3 buttons or 2 yds ¼” ribbon

1 pattern (1 shell and 1sc) = 2.5 cm (1”)
6 rows + 5 cm (2”)

With smaller size hook, ch 66 for neck edge.
Row 1:  Work 1 sc in 2nd st from hook and in each remaining st to end of ch, 65 sc.  Mark for right side.
Row 2-Slipper St. Ch 1, turn, work 1sc working through both loops, working in back loop only, work 1sc in each sc to within 1sc of end, work 1sc in last sc, working through both loops.
Row 3-Inc. Row:  Work sc as before, working 2sc in back loop of every 3rd st 21 times, finish row; 86 sts.  Work 3 rows even.
Row 7:  Inc. 1sc as before in every 4th st 21 times, finish row; 107 sts.  Work 3 rows even.
Row 11:  Inc. 1sc in every 5th sc 21 times, finish row; 128 sts. Work 3 rows even.
Row 15:  Inc. 1sc in every 13th sc 9 times, finish row; 137 sts.
Work 2 rows even, end on right side.  This completes the yoke.
Lace Pattern Row 1:  With larger size hook, ch1, turn, 1sc in first sc,  *skip 1sc, a shell of 1dc, ch2, 1 dc, ch2, 1dc, all in next st, inserting hook through both loops, skip 1sc, 1sc through both loops of next sc; repeat from * to end.
Row 2 right side – Ch5, turn, 1 dc in first sc,  *1sc in   center dc of next shell, a shell of 1 dc, ch2, 1dc, ch2, 1dc, all in next sc;  repeat from *, end last repeat with ½ shell of 1dc, ch2, 1dc in last sc.
Row 3:  Ch1, turn, 1sc in top of first dc,  *1 full shell in next sc, 1 sc in center dc of next shell; repeat from *, end last repeat with 1sc in 3rd st of ch5, 34 full shells, plus 1sc.
Work even until 6 rows from Yoke, end on right side.  Fasten off.

Row 1:  Turn, with loop on hook, working from wrong side, skip ½ shell and 5 full shells for right front, 1sc in center of dc of next shell,  *1 shell in next sc, 1sc in center dc of next shell, repeat from * 5 times; 6 shells for sleeve.
Row 2:  Ch5, turn, 1dc in first sc, work to end of row 1
Continue lace pattern until 13 rows on sleeve below underarm; end on wrong side.

With smaller size hook, ch1, turn, wo rk 1sc in each sc and in each dc; 25sc.  Work 6 rows more of Slipper St, end on right side.  Fasten off leaving 1 14” end.  With this end, sew sleeve seam.

With loop on larger size hook, working from wrong side, skip ½ shell and 9 full shells from sleeve for tack; 1sc in c enter dc of next shell.  Finish as for right sleeve.

With loop on larger size hook,  from wrong side, work 1sc in top of first dc on right front edge, continue pattern until 6 full shells, 1sc in underarm seam of sleeve, continue pattern across back until 10 full shells, 1sc in underarm seam of sleeve, continue pattern across left front; 22 patterns plus 1sc.
Work even in pattern until 15 rows from underarm; end on wrong side.  Fasten off.

With loop on smaller size hook, from right side, work 1sc in end sc of last row on right front edge;  *ch3, 1dc in same sc, skip 1 row, 1sc in next sc on edge; repeat from * to beginning of Yoke; continue edging on Slipper St. Yoke, skipping 3 rows instead of 1 row, end 1sc in corner st of foundation ch, work around neck edge, skipping 3 sts, work left front edge to correspond to right front edge.  Fasten off.
Sew 3 buttons on left front edge, using edging for button loops.

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